Saturday, October 4, 2008

I know I know I know what is she doing today tooo many blogs. But I just found out that my In-laws are going on their third mission! I have such a great respect for them! But even more excited for where they were called too! duh duh dun... Winter quarters temple! that is just 2 & 1/2 hour from were we live and it's the closer Temple! Even tho we are in the St Louis district. Yea! we get to go see them!


kitchenditcher said...

WAY Cool! I can't wait to go on a mission with Bruce.

I loved the comment that you left on my blog. I hadn't thought about our synchronized cannon balls in the longest time! Made me chuckle right out loud! You are THE BEST!

Jer & Di said...

Hey there dear old friend... My daughter and her family live in Lincoln Nebraska right now, and I believe their Temple is Winter Quarters! We will be there this suummer, if not sooner for visiting, and will go to Nauvoo. Love hearing about you.
Diane Jorgenson