Sunday, October 19, 2008

When did I become a loser mom? I used to be a cool mom (at least that is what my kids use to tell me). now I am "not cool mom" ,"Back off mom", "you don't know what you're talking about mom", "that's embarrassing for you mom", "La ooo sa err mom", "stalker mom" and many other fun names. I don't think I have changed that much. I do feel that I have lost almost all control. I am now the butt of most of my kids jokes. What do I do now?


crapaw's crap said...

welcome to MY club!
Love from your favorite GEEK, DORK, DORKASAURIS REX and What was it like when DIRT came in - Dad?

daveney7 said...

not the same, we were much nicer then my kids are to me. I was expecting the old jokes and geek dork stuff.

Http:// said...

I just learned to laugh along with them-most of the time they were right!

Pam Jorgensen said...

I dread that far I'm still the coolest mom cuz I play RockBand with my kids and am pretty good.

It's coming though...I AM a total dork!